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NHS anxiety and depression counselling

Ok guys,

This is a follow up of my previous blog about anxiety and depression. As I mentioned before I wasn't prepare to start with medication and chose to try counselling. Some people may think that they would no be able to open up and talk about feelings with complete stranger. I was concerned about it but how ever, my fist visit was flown by and Stacy my consultant were so nice and understanding. She said don't worry if you feel that you don't want to talk to me its understandable. She asked me few questions about my feelings and said that I got severe anxiety and moderate depression. Yes it is something that you don't want to hear but if I can be completely honest I am glad I got diagnosed and finally could start fighting this disease.

All of the sudden I open up and told myself that Stacy is there to help me and I did huge step to seek help all ready. I got great support from my husband home but sometimes its difficult to express feeling to people closest to you just because they don't understand what you going thru. T hats why I found my session so helpful just saying how it is, what is bothering me and how can I help myself. Its not easy when you feel down that spiral thinking you cant get any deeper but fall seen to be never ending... Waking up every morning feeling that you haven't slept, feel like you ran marathon day before, feeling like your brain is big blender that's never stops and start feeling hopeless. Yes that's the world you are trapped in and only way out is help. Professional help.

In these days there is many thinks to help you control, treat and notice when your mood is going down. Depression and anxiety is one of the conditions that is not treatable by pills for couple of weeks and you will feel great. Medication is only help to empower your self to over come worst symptoms. Antidepressants like Sertraline, Zoloft are hugely used in medical world but unfortunately they are not cure. During my counselling sessions I was introduced many keeping strategies and tips and tricks and also introduced to mindfulness. I will do special blog about mindfulness as it is the best ever strategy I used to get over my anxiety and depression. You just start look at your life from different perspective and realize that you live only once and life is too short to be depressed.

And there is uplift, coming back and start enjoying life, you introduced to worry tree and learn how to rewire your brain and live in present moment. There is also support available 24/7 from NHS talking shops all over the country. I have to admit that I am on Sertraline tablets to control my mood swings how ever mindfulness teach me that every day is worth it. I am getting my dosage lowered by August and slowly getting off tablets. I am happy that I gone thru this journey teach me that we too busy in these days, hooked up on mobile phones, bombarded by stressful news and forget about other human beings. I think that NHS doing a great job and mental health is one br spoke about topics. Just think about what you getting from your life if you sitting home worrying, stressing and don't feel well about your self. Would someone replace that time you loosing? I know that fighting this illness is not easy. There are going to be good days and bad days but if you know your feelings, your triggers and your inner self you will easily over come this dangerous mood swings and avoid going down that terrible spiral.

Discover your happiness, your inner balance and open your mind to new discoveries. Don't be afraid, scared and worried, be happy. After 8 weeks of NHS therapy I sign up myself for Mindfulness course just because that is my light end of the tunnel. As I said earlier I am going to do special blog about Mindfulness. I will introduce you to basic knowledge. I would be offering personal Mindfulness meetings and couching in person or phone call on skype but also via email. For now people if you struggle call Talking shop and ask for help.

Watch out for next blog about Mindfulness. Happy reading



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