Hello Guys and welcome back. Todays blog will be short 5 minutes read. I receive email from Google+ team informing me that this platform is shutting down and all my content will be deleted by 4th April. I felt very disappointed. If you not familiar with this platform, Google+ was place for me to connect with interesting people, businesses and groups and we shared same passion and interests. This platform works on the same way as Facebook but you are not that much exposed. Email was basically saying that they are not able to maintain quality of product and low usages from users. I am not surprised as Google+ wasn't really advertised and many people doesn't even know how this platform works.
When I started my blog this platform was inspiration to me as I found groups like - Mental Health, Depression, Anxiety, Mindfulness and recently Essential Oils group. Also connected with interesting people around the world and we exchange tips, tricks and talk about day by day life. I know that somebody can argue that you can find similar groups on Facebook. How ever my experience from Facebook platform is that you can be easily accused posting content that is against the rule of the group. Your full profile is exposed to other people on Facebook. I recently saw post of one of the user of Google+. This person build full blog on this platform and now all her work will be deleted. She was looking for help asking people how she can protect her hard work and preserve content of her blogs. I felt sad a bit just because same people as me putting loads of energy to build blogs, vlogs and other online content.
Other side showed me how much we attached to internet and online world. Many business getting leads and business from this platform and they have to now found other less private platforms elsewhere. I also read article that trust in current Google CEO Sudar Pichai is very low. This article was exposing low trust by Google employees. It is a bit alarming to see this giant slowly crumbling. Google+ first what will be next?? We will see in future. How ever loosing Google+ will be sad and hope all users find the way how to preserve their valuable content.
Advice from me guys - If you have Google + account start downloading you content now because time is ticking.
Thank you very much guys, thank you new subscribers and thank you for all your support. See you here next Monday guys. Please share this blog to as many people as you can.