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Wonders of the Nature (part 1)

Hello guys and welcome back. In this series of blogs I would like to talk about Wonders of the Nature. As we sometimes taking our natural surroundings for granted and polluting our mother Nature with CO2, Plastic, land field wastage and many more and as growing population require producing more food and prognosis is that by 2050 we would be required to produce 50% more food then today, future from my point of view does not look amazing. How ever we still have treasures and Mother nature provide us with an excellent products that are sustainable and easy to use for all of us on daily basis. Let me start then:


This succulent African plant is reputed to have been use by Cleopatra to cleanse and moisturised. Its plumb, tampering leaves hiding a thick, clear gel when cut and squeeze. Widely available from gardening centres as plant, heath and food stores as fresh juice and gel, incorporated in cosmetics for its healing and refreshing properties.


The juice and gel soothe and heal inflamed skin conditions such as eczema, minor burns - including sun burn and treat radiation burns caused by radiotherapy. It is also excellent non-greasy moisturiser.

How to use:

To enhance its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties mix with lavender essential oil or camomile essential oil. For skin treatments pour in to cosmetic spray bottle and sprits several times a day.

Aloe Vera is treasure of nature.


Bees secrete wax to seal the honey comb in which they store honey and flower pollen. After the honey is extracted the combs are placed I hot water and the wax skimmed off and allowed to harden. Beeswax is used in many cosmetics, skin creams and lotions. Available from craft shops and herbal suppliers either in small blocks or and easy to melt granules.


Protect skin against excessive moisture loss, but without blocking pores. Especially good for cracked skin on hands and cracked lips.

How to use :

Beeswax is extremely hard and must be melted in double boiler. To get it in to a creamy consistency it needs to be blended with at least 12 times its own weight in vegetable oil. Essential oils are completely soluble in beeswax witch makes it an excellent carrier oil.

Unfortunately bees population declining year by year due to excessive using of chemicals in gardens and farms and in food production in general. We take bees for granted but once bees disappear from earth us as humans will be left with arounds 2 years to live. No pollinators mean no food. I would like to urge all gardeners and nature loving people don't use chemicals and create pollinators friendly gardens in suburban areas. We NEED bees. In case of using beeswax select only sustainable bee keepers that truly care about every precious colony and make sure that we can receive bees products for many more years.


An annual herb grown in gardens since the middle Ages for its bright orange and yellow flowers. In Elizabethan England calendula (Calendula officinalis) was called ''Marygold''and dedicated to the Virgin Mary. Because the flowers produce too little essential oil to make distillation commercially viable, calendula oil is prepared by steeping the petals in sunflower oil (sometimes in olive oil), then filtered. The resulting product contains dilution of the essential oil in vegetable oil base and its known as infused oil. Infused Calendula oil is available from good heath and food shops and other outlets specialising in herbal remedies and home made cosmetic materials.


Calendula oil has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory, antifungal, skin-regenerative properties. It is excellent for sore, inflamed and itchy skin, including sunburn as well as general skin care. It is especially good for sensitive complexions prone to thread veins, and has reputation preventing stretch marks.

How to use:

Can be used alone, in skin creams or mixed 50/50 with less expensive carrier oil. Essential oils such as Lavender, Rose and Camomile can be added to enhance its skin rejuvenating properties.


A thick, sticky oil extracted from the seeds of small, thorny plant (Ricinus Communis). The ancient Egyptians , Romans, Greeks used the oil for skin care and the seeds as drastic purgative. Today purified castor oil is used in commercial hair conditioners, barrier creams, lipsticks and even eye-drops. Castor oil is available from pharmacies and shops specializing in herbal remedies and home made materials.


Castor oil is an excellent carrier for essential oils in lip balms, waterproof hand creams, and pre-wash hair shiners. Despite its sticky texture its surprisingly to shampoo out.

How to use:

For a pre-wash hair conditioner, you will need about a table spoon of castor oil, stir in 4 to 6 drops of essential oil chosen accordingly to your hair and scalp condition. Leave on for 30-60 minutes before shampooing out.

Ok guys hope you enjoyed this blog about true Wonders of Nature. To be continued soon. Please like and subscribe if you like my blogs.

Information researched for this blog from: Aromatherapy and Natural Health

I will see you here soon. Happy reading

Jerry xxxx


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